Edneia Vieira da Silva Sousa VS USA Airport Security Breach.
The true Story about a women Currently living a Double life & testing United States poor security system!
As some potential hackers exposes the most shocking true story about USA's airport security breach,
it will leave the American citizens thinking twice about how safe they really are and how easy the System can be manipulated.
Federal Laws and entrusted Government party such as FBI, and ICE
are seeing as merely a joke when this Brazilian immigrant crosses the border illegally
and acquire real documents from Puerto Ricans and Portuguese citizens and not only uses
all 3 documents to get married, open bank accounts, get USA real ID, Social security, passport, birth certificate, finance cars, travel, and all other things just like a good citizen would do, keep reading...
First Security Breach !
The first security breach was long time ago when she illegally crossed from brazil to the USA by the Mexico border, after living and working in the City Of Boston - MA in the USA a year or so she went back to Brasil as Edneia Silva Sousa and then from Brazil she went to Portugal to acquire real documents such as Portuguese passport, ids, and drivers license under the Portuguese name Edneia Vieira Lopes Marques.
Second Security Breach !
Once she has become a Portuguese citizen under the name, ( Edneia Vieira Lopes Marques ) she easily went back to the USA using her's new Portuguese passport since visa was not required for Portuguese passport owners.
Is the American dream Alive ?
For illegal immigrant Edneia Silva Sousa it is, she has become manager of Boston's dunking donuts stores and have gone back and forward to Brazil and USA using hers newly acquired green card after successfully deceiving and making immigration customer enforcement agents looking worse then a pack of sophisticated monkeys!
How she managed the Third Security Breach ?
Even though she is married to a man back in Brazil, she managed and had the courage to use
her's newly acquired Portuguese ID to get married to an American citizen ( Rafael ) leaving also the possibility that she may have used her's Brazilian ID to obtain a green card, we do not know if she paid him to get married, but what we know is, as the crimes against federal laws were piling up and new Id's were being acquired such as the Puerto Rican name ( Jahaira blanco davila ) she also became an American Citizen and from there on
she has being back and forward to Brazil / US many times!
What's is the point of all That ?
Imagine if she was a terrorist, what could she do? and if she has manipulated the system so easily the way she did acting by herself, what could a network of terrorists accomplish together !
Proof or story back up gallery pictures !
Contact her if you need some real fake IDs
as they are real.
exhibit 1 american docs
exhibit 3 Portuguese docs
Puerto rican birth certificate ? she is Brazilian !
she owns 3 IDs, The born ID women !
More Coming Soon!
For Additional information if you are an agent of the low enforcement
or if you are the media / television or news paper representative.
please contact us at edneiasousa40@gmail.com
Razão Da Denuncia !
É que Minha Ex-esposa Edneia Vieira Da Silva Sousa tem sido uma mestre em manipulação, e está prejudicando eu e meus 3 filhos mentalmente e financeiramente, desde a separação em 2008 nos Estados Unidos;
1 - Prova disso é que ela nunca pagou pensão alimentícia. E agora que ela veio ao Brasil, em Jan/2013 me procurou, e teve a coragen de oferecer 300,00 reais mensais para os 3 filhos.
2 - Uma outra coisa é que essa minha ex acha que pode vir ao Brasil quando quizer, para sorrir na minha cara, na frente dos meus filhos e me umilhar por que ainda não consegui comprar minha casa e meus filhos não ter moradia própria.
sendo que o que compramos juntos. não tive meus 50% de direito conforme a lei determina.
exemplo: uma chacara que compramos juntos colocamos no nome da mãe dela (por manipulação dessa minha ex) e que essa mãe no dia da separação disse que não ia me devolver essa CHACARA e muito menos minha parte. Por isso abri um processo que corre na justiça brasileira.
it will leave the American citizens thinking twice about how safe they really are and how easy the System can be manipulated.
Federal Laws and entrusted Government party such as FBI, and ICE
are seeing as merely a joke when this Brazilian immigrant crosses the border illegally
and acquire real documents from Puerto Ricans and Portuguese citizens and not only uses
all 3 documents to get married, open bank accounts, get USA real ID, Social security, passport, birth certificate, finance cars, travel, and all other things just like a good citizen would do, keep reading...
First Security Breach !
The first security breach was long time ago when she illegally crossed from brazil to the USA by the Mexico border, after living and working in the City Of Boston - MA in the USA a year or so she went back to Brasil as Edneia Silva Sousa and then from Brazil she went to Portugal to acquire real documents such as Portuguese passport, ids, and drivers license under the Portuguese name Edneia Vieira Lopes Marques.
Second Security Breach !
Once she has become a Portuguese citizen under the name, ( Edneia Vieira Lopes Marques ) she easily went back to the USA using her's new Portuguese passport since visa was not required for Portuguese passport owners.
Is the American dream Alive ?
For illegal immigrant Edneia Silva Sousa it is, she has become manager of Boston's dunking donuts stores and have gone back and forward to Brazil and USA using hers newly acquired green card after successfully deceiving and making immigration customer enforcement agents looking worse then a pack of sophisticated monkeys!
How she managed the Third Security Breach ?
Even though she is married to a man back in Brazil, she managed and had the courage to use
her's newly acquired Portuguese ID to get married to an American citizen ( Rafael ) leaving also the possibility that she may have used her's Brazilian ID to obtain a green card, we do not know if she paid him to get married, but what we know is, as the crimes against federal laws were piling up and new Id's were being acquired such as the Puerto Rican name ( Jahaira blanco davila ) she also became an American Citizen and from there on
she has being back and forward to Brazil / US many times!
What's is the point of all That ?
Imagine if she was a terrorist, what could she do? and if she has manipulated the system so easily the way she did acting by herself, what could a network of terrorists accomplish together !
Proof or story back up gallery pictures !
Contact her if you need some real fake IDs
as they are real.
exhibit 1 american docs
exhibit 2 Brazilian docs ========================================
exhibit 3 Portuguese docs
Puerto rican birth certificate ? she is Brazilian !
she owns 3 IDs, The born ID women !
More Coming Soon!
For Additional information if you are an agent of the low enforcement
or if you are the media / television or news paper representative.
please contact us at edneiasousa40@gmail.com
Razão Da Denuncia !
É que Minha Ex-esposa Edneia Vieira Da Silva Sousa tem sido uma mestre em manipulação, e está prejudicando eu e meus 3 filhos mentalmente e financeiramente, desde a separação em 2008 nos Estados Unidos;
1 - Prova disso é que ela nunca pagou pensão alimentícia. E agora que ela veio ao Brasil, em Jan/2013 me procurou, e teve a coragen de oferecer 300,00 reais mensais para os 3 filhos.
2 - Uma outra coisa é que essa minha ex acha que pode vir ao Brasil quando quizer, para sorrir na minha cara, na frente dos meus filhos e me umilhar por que ainda não consegui comprar minha casa e meus filhos não ter moradia própria.
sendo que o que compramos juntos. não tive meus 50% de direito conforme a lei determina.
exemplo: uma chacara que compramos juntos colocamos no nome da mãe dela (por manipulação dessa minha ex) e que essa mãe no dia da separação disse que não ia me devolver essa CHACARA e muito menos minha parte. Por isso abri um processo que corre na justiça brasileira.